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People of all ages who have a heart for children and a commitment to ensure their well-being

Who We Are

The Interfaith Children's Movement (ICM) comprises caring individuals, families, faith leaders, faith communities, organizations, state agencies, schools, colleges, and universities with a heart for children and a commitment to improving outcomes for children and families in Georgia. 

People of all ages who have a heart for children and a commitment to ensure their well-being

Families of every form and composition, including biological, adopted, and foster families

Nonprofit and for-profit organizations, groups, and auxiliaries, and state and local agencies





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Organizations & Agencies

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Faith Leaders

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Faith Communities


Schools, Colleges, and Universities

Religious leaders, lay leaders, theologians, religious scholars, and practitioners.

Religious congregations and faith communities

Public K-12, private, charter, alternative, and pre-K schools, colleges, and universities.



Organizations & Agencies

Faith Leaders

Faith Communities


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Interfaith Children's Movement of Georgia is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

© 2024 Interfaith Children's Movement of Georgia. All rights reserved.

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9:00AM EST. - 4:00PM EST.


2676 Clairmont Road
Atlanta, Georgia 30329

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PO Box 54149
Atlanta, Georgia 30308

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